
application/pdfAnnual Report 2013-Chinese versionThis Annual Report 2013 introduces Save the Children's work in 2013 in China. 15/04/20143MB
application/pdfSave the Children in China 2013 Annual ReviewThis publication in English language will present the readers Save the Children's work in China in 2013, e.g. saving children's lives, education and development, children protection, disaster risk reduction and humaniterian relief. 07/05/20142MB
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.documentA case study: 12-Year-Old Boy Speaks of Earthquake SurvivalA 6.5 magnitude earthquake shook Ludian county in the Yunnan Province of China on August 3rd 2014. This case study tells the experience of a 12-year-old boy who survived in the earthquake.25/09/2014842KB
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